Rock Rose is a member of the Cistaceae family. As an herbal, it is known to be anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-microbial. It is a great support in the treatment of tick-borne diseases.
As a flower essence, Rock Rose is used for the root of imbalance of "Fear". It is a remedy against terror and is used in the crisis combination, rescue remedy, which I refer to as "calming essence". This is for emergency situations. When something bad has happened, an accident or bad news, and the person is unable to think from panic or shock, this will help calm them down.

Out-of-Balance Indications
The remedy for emergency cases
Loss of presence of mind
Frozen in fear
Positive Potentials
Presence of mind
To schedule a Flower Essence Consultation, call or message me. All flower essences are FREE and included in the cost of the consultation.
Bach, E. (2005). The essential writings of dr Edward Bach: The twelve healers and other remedies & heal thyself. Vermillion.
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Agrimony. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from
W., H. J. T. (2005). Dictionary of the bach flower remedies. Ebury Press.