Mimulus, also known as monkey flower, is part of the Phrymaceae family. The flowers of some species are said to resemble the face of a monkey. While parts of this plant are edible, medicinal uses have not yet been documented.
As a flower essence, Mimulus is used for the root of imbalance of "Fear".

Out-of-Balance Indications
Fear of known things
Vague, generalized fears and anxieties
Fear of being alone
Fear of illness and pain
Fear of death
Quietly and secretly bear their dread
Positive Potentials
To schedule a Flower Essence Consultation, call or message me. All flower essences are FREE and included in the cost of the consultation.
Bach, E. (2005). The essential writings of dr Edward Bach: The twelve healers and other remedies & heal thyself. Vermillion.
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Agrimony. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from https://www.britannica.com/plant/agrimony
W., H. J. T. (2005). Dictionary of the bach flower remedies. Ebury Press.