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Antinutrient-a naturally-occurring substance found in plant-derived foods that interferes with absorption or proper functioning of nutrients in the body; a substance (such as refined sugar or alcohol) that has little nutritive value and that typically depletes the body of more nutrients than it provides when metabolized. (Merriam-Webster)

Bioavailable-(of a drug or other substance) entering the circulation when introduced into the body and so able to have an active effect. (Lexico)

Biosynthesis-the production of complex molecules within living organisms or cells. (Lexico)

Endogenously-proceeding from within; derived internally (

Excitotoxin-chemicals either added to food or found in food that cause an overstimulation of the nervous system which can cause the cells to be destroyed. These chemicals are found in almost all processed foods. (Dr. Joe Esposito Health Plus)

Fat Soluble-vitamins that are fat-soluble can dissolve in fat and are absorbed by the body with fats. They can also be stored in fatty tissue in the body. (National Cancer Institute)

Hypocalcemic Tetany-Spasms of the hands, feet, cramps, spasms of the voice box and overactive neurological reflexes caused by low calcium. (MedicineNet)

Immunotoxicity-refers to the adverse affects on the structure or functioning of the immune system, or on other systems as a result of immune system dysfunction, caused by exposure to any toxic substance. (

Neurotoxicity-refers to damage to the brain or peripheral nervous system caused by exposure to natural or man-made toxic substances. (News Medical Life Sciences)

Osteomalacia-a marked softening of the bones caused by severe vitamin D deficiency; it can lead to bowing during growth, especially of the weight-bearing bones of the legs; it can cause fractures in older adults. (Mayo Clinic)

Rickets-a disorder caused by lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus that causes soft bones, stunted growth and skeletal deformities in children. (Healthline)

Toxicity-the quality, state or relative degree of being poisonous. (Merriam-Webster)

Water-Soluble-vitamins that are water-soluble are carried through the body by water but are not stored in the body. (National Cancer Institute)



Cynthia A. Barrington is not a physician and the relationship between her and her clients is not as prescriber and patient but as educator and client. This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Cynthia presents. Naturopathy, homeopathy, flower essences, and any other recommendations do not "treat" illnesses; they address the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Cynthia believes the advice of a holistic physician is in order. Never stop taking prescription medications without first consulting your physician. Consult your physician before starting a fitness program or taking supplements.

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